More Retail near North & Clybourn
Your Guides have read about a massive push of new development along Clybourn Avenue - this time moving south from North Avenue towards Division. (MAP)
New development along Clybourn and nearby streets such as Kingsbury and Dayton may make the shopping district comparable in square footage to some enclosed malls such as North brook Court or Westfield Fox Valley.
We look on in astonishment at the massive growth in the area. Generally we're supporters of development and the highest and best use for real estate. As we occasionally must actually DRIVE through this area, we're being very cautious in our anticipation of the new growth.
An interesting fact: Whole Foods, which barely opened its store along Clybourn two years ago is considering a move south onto Kingsbury, doubling the size of the store.
One sorely needed improvement: the conversion of the now-empty site of the former Expo Design Center which resembles an abandoned 6-story parking garage into a luxury auto dealer and service facility. Your guides were sceptical of the viability of the massive SoNo Development at North & Clybourn, but with the new development in the area, these new homes will be surrounded by vibrant shopping, restaurants and all kinds of professional offices.
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